Fresh Trademark Application
Our Experts will understand your Trademark and search on similar Trademarks already registered for your type of product. In case the same is available, a fresh application shall be drafted and sent to you for signing and further filing. For Individuals / Startups / Small Enterprises.
Trademark Objection
Our Experts will check the objections raised by the Authority and draft documents to be filed to the Authority so that you may get your Trademark registered.

Trademark is a distinctive name, symbol, motto, or design that legally identifies a company or its products and services, and sometimes prevents others from using identical or similar marks.
Registering a Trademark is good for your business. In many cases, registering your trademark is a cost-effective way to:
A) Stay out of trouble
You don't want to risk having to change your name later on. Name changes are one of the most painful processes a company can go through. If you are infringing on another similar trademark, now or in the future, you may be forced to change your name and pay for damages and lawyer fees.
B) Protect your business
Without a trademark registration, you run the risk that a competitor starts doing business under a similar name, "stealing" your customers or confusing them. This can be very damaging for your business.
C) Create value
When you register a trademark, you are protecting something that has the potential to become valuable. A trademark is an intellectual property that, when used and renewed every ten years, has an indefinite lifetime. By protecting it, you are adding to the value of your business.
Our experts analysis, advices and assists in all formalities related to Registration of TradeMark and smooth running of your business.
You may Contact Us for free enquires.
Hire Lawpath and stop worrying about the mundane aspects of Registration of TradeMark. Let our experienced professionals take the hassle out of Registration of TradeMark leaving you to work on making your idea grow!

For Fresh Trademark Application
Soft Copy of Trademark to be applied
Description of product on which the proposed Trademark is to be used
For Trademark Objection
Soft copy of Trademark Objection Letter
Your personal views on the Objection Letter

On an average, a Fresh Trademark Application takes 15-24 months.